An Atheists 12 Steps to Self-improvement
– To accompany any program
Want to beat drink, drug, gambling, overeating or sex addiction?
This site, Addicts 12 Steps, is for atheist and agnostic newcomers to, and followers of, the AA 12 step program who want to give up problem drinking, drugging, gambling, overeating or sex, to name five examples, but who are put off by the god stuff in the Alcoholics Anonymous twelve steps. Want to know if you are an addict? Check out ‘what is an addict’? under ARTICLES. On the Atheists 12 Steps page you can see a secular version of the twelve steps and the BUY BOOKS page gives links to buy the book: An Atheists Twelve Steps to Self-improvement (To Accompany Any Program).
Vince Hawkins is the author
of An Atheists Twelve Steps and two alcohol addiction recovery handbooks, the classic An Atheists Unofficial Guide to AA and his latest Secular AA: advanced design & build your own program. He attends AA, NA and overeaters meetings. He is hopeful that when problem drinkers, drug users and others eventually hit their rock bottom and become desperate they will find help, too.
There is plenty of it out there, but the trick is in finding the right program to suit the stepper Not just targeting narcotics using, for example, but taking into account the individual’s beliefs and value system. Not just whether a detox in a rehab center is the answer, but whether the treatment program has a religious twist or if its meetings are truly all-embracing.
His other addiction book is the daily reader Everyone’s an Addict which is also known as As Vince Sees It in its Kindle ebook format. This complements any/each of the three handbooks. Vince has also written a novel Trader Bob.
Are you an addict who wants to stop, or a bad behaver who aims for self-improvement,
and you don’t want your program obscured by religion?
Then An Atheists Twelve Steps are for you